Monday, December 9, 2013

Fall Decor

   I am ALOT late on my fall decorations but I really wanted to get the blog post out. 

   Quick update on us: We moved to Vancouver, Washington in the middle of September. We moved in with our cousin Savannah, her boyfriend Brian, and our brother in law Jack. We have my dog Kiski still and our cat Taylor, we also have Savannah's doberman pincher Lucian and her cat Snow... so that's... lets count.... 9 mouths to feed in our decently sized 3 bedroom house! We love it. Our house is just big enough for all of us to have our own space and not feel claustrophobic. 
  For work I do marketing and customer service for a local Bread/Bakery company, its amazing; I love it so much and I am happy with everyone that works there. 

  Zack is pretty much liking his job as a recruiter. Hes doing so good and i'm so happy for him. He works a lot of hours right now, I never get to see him but that's what it takes to be a recruiters wife. At least for the next year he will work a ton of hours but I get to eat dinner every night with him, even if its at 9 or 10 pm and I get to cuddle with him every night, so i'm not complaining :)

 We're doing really well here. It snowed the other day which was cool, and today it was 25* so its a bit cold but our home is warm and cozy so I try to stay indoors :D

Now for the decor:

Fall Lanterns
What you need:
- string of light 100 bulb lights
-Gorilla tape. 
-Ellen on your TV
(As seen in the pictures, I used electrical tape... doesnt work to well so I had to go back and tape Gorilla tape over the other tape.

Time it takes to complete this craft is the same time it takes to 
watch an episode of Ellen on the DVR :)

This is the top of the inside all taped up looks like. The easiest way 
I found was detaching all the sides, start at the top of the 
lantern and work your way down. 

 Add fall leaves and a pine cone or two. I got mine in the clearance
section of my local craft store. Lights were on sale for $4 and the 
fall leaves were on clearance for $3 so this hole craft cost me about $15 to do both lanterns

Added both of them to our book shelf and it looks fantastic if I do say so myself


Dirt cups: Chocolate pudding, Oreo crust crumbles, and 
gummy worms. I wrote on the cups sayings like "Boo!"
"trick or treat" "R.I.P" and "Happy Halloween"

Mummy weenies- Hot dogs cut in half, croissant wrapped around the
weenie like a mummy. cook in the oven on 350* for like 15-20 
(until the croissant is golden brown)

Homemade bagel bits:
mini bagels, your favorite spaghetti sauce, cheese, pepperonis,
 and olives. I cut the pepperonis into a smaller circle and 
put olives on top so they look like a face 
screaming... creepy huh? 
Cooked them on 350* for 15-20 mins, until
cheese is cooked on top

Cupcakes from the store and the $1 store cupcake display

Punch: Hawaiian punch, orange sherbet, and eye balls that we got
from the $1 store too.

My Ariel pumpkin

 After I painted them, they looked a million times better

 Everyones pumpkins :)

Turkey day crafts:

Our nana made these cute turkeys with nuts, foe leaves, and 
a few googly eyes

Our Aunt made this paper wreath. Multi-color paper, calligraphy pen,
and needle pins. Pin all the cut out leaves onto a Styrofoam wreath,
write about 20 thing you are thankful for around 
the middle of the wreath. 

Love you all,

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