Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Recent Love

     My most recent love is this book. Those of you that love a romantic comedy.... this book isn't for you! Im just kidding, its has romance...kind of and its very fun, I mean I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD at every page! Chelsea Handler is very blunt, in this book, and on her show called "Chelsea Lately", which is by far the funniest show I have ever seen in a very long time, which is why I wanted her book. It takes you from kindergarten, where she lies to her hole school about a movie role, to where she's 12 where she pretends she's 16 and babysits a 14 yr old boy, to family issues to friends. she gets down to the niddy griddy and tells you how it is, well her perception on it!

     I personally haven't finished the book, I'm about half way done with it. I usually don't review books but this one I needed to get the word out. I really wanted her book called "Chelsea, Chelsea, bang, bang" but I wanted to start off with her earlier books so I can get an idea of what to expect. Oh boy I didn't expect it to be as funny and cleaver as it was! My recommendation is you need to buy this book!

     I will give it a final review as soon as I finish it but as of right now its a 5 star book.... no wonder it was #1

Love you all,
