Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where'd you go? I missed you so....

    I'm going to start this off as a brand new blog. I haven’t been on in what looks to be 2 years.... almost exactly. I’m going to try and make this a weekly thing since I quit my job and I’m a stay at home wife with nothing to do except chase a puppy around all day.
    My husband Zack was deployed again for another year. He just got back Feb 3, 2012. He was on a MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) which pretty much means he was on a ship. He was in the Mediterranean sea on what seemed to be a yearlong cruise. He got to visit Spain, Dubai, Portugal, among other really cool places (lucky). This deployment was the hardest because we lived together for a year after he got home from Afghanistan, and then he left for what was supposed to be 7 months and it turned into a 10 month deployment. He got to email me almost every day but we only got to talk on the phone for maybe 10 times the hole time he was gone (maybe once a month). I got to Skype him for 3 days in a row during one of his ports and that’s it. That was a struggle because it’s hard to put into word every, little, thing that happens to you in one day. There is no summing up like you do in your diary, blog, or Facebook. When they are deployed they want to know everything because they “live through you” as he always tells me.
    For Christmas he bought me a car. We needed a reliable one for when he came home due to our wonderful luck with cars. He bought me a 2010 Chevy Equinox. Getting it was the real struggle. I fought with Navy Fed for a hole week. Literally, every day for a week. They thought we were fake and it was a scam all because I faxed over the wrong POA (power of attorney). They told me it was the wrong one so I set over the correct one and they for some reason put a red flag on us and they wouldn’t give me the loan. Zack called them twice proving that we were real but they had to see me in person. So, I had to drive 2 hours to Miami to show them that I was real…. Really!?! But 2 weeks later I got my car :) That’s the hard part about deployment, I was so stressed (which I hardly ever am) I was so mad (Which is never) and felt so alone and my husband couldn’t even call me to comfort me. Yea, I had my family but sometimes you need your significant other to be there for you, especially when he’s the only one in the world who can fix it. I never realized how strong you have to be for a deployment, not only for the other person but for yourself, to make it another month. That is why the number one thing you need is to surround yourself with family and friends… people who truly care about you. That is the only way I made it.

    My husband is home now, possibly not much longer, he might have to deploy again in November for 6 months (so they say). He really wants to go recruiting and to be stationed in AK, which we will be there for 3 years. Sounds good to me because he constantly talks about how he misses it and he wants to move back and blah blah blah. My thing is we live there for 3 years and then we can retire somewhere in the middle between FL and AK. Which seems fair to me :) . We will find out Thursday what he has to do to go recruiting. Hopefully it all works out because I do not want him to deploy again.

    Let’s see how long I can keep this blog thing up for. I really want to stay on top of this, it’s nice to go back and look at everything that happened to me over the past 2 years ( my hole 4 post earlier lol) Life has been ok. When my husband deployed I moved to AK again but I was only there for 6 months. I had 3 jobs (subway, Rogues garden coffee shop and health food store, and Northwind floral and gift shop) and I also baby sat a bunch of kids in town. I met some amazing people and made a lot of really cool friends. This time was different, I felt last time people were just hanging out with me because of my husband (I hung out with all of his old friends) this time I made my own friends people who didn’t know my husband and that didn’t grow up in that town. I felt as if I actually made my own friends and didn’t just get “grand fathered in” to my husband’s friends… my friends hung out with me for me not because I was new in town and Zack’s wife. I miss them a lot, it was definitely a good trip, kind of wished it lasted longer. I moved back to FL in the beginning of November due to a family emergency (I will explain in another post soon).  I got hired back at my old job working with a kids camp in the four seasons of Palm beach (my absolute favorite job), hung out with old friends, it was great, but I’m so glad to be in NC now with my husband though. This place is…. Ok I guess… just a normal military town, nothing to do, but my husband is here and that’s all that I care about :)

    I got a job working at the front desk at a Quality Inn. They hired me as the 6-2pm shift so I could still pick up my husband from work, low and behold they kept scheduling me for the 2-10pm which I never got to see Zack except for driving him to work at 6am and saying goodnight to him when I finally got home at 10:30 pm. I did that for about a month and we just couldn't take it. We are still like newly weds, we only actually saw each other for a year and the hole time he was state side ,we had roommates so we never got to do the normal newly wed things. When I cooked I cooked for all and cleaned for all too... it was never just us two, so I had to quit my job so I can see him and spend time with him. Now between the new puppy and my crazy cat all I want to do is get out of the house :) I literally can't even go to the bathroom by myself. Kiski (Siberian husky puppy) has separation problems with me, I cant get up for anything without her following me. If she cant see me she will start barking... same with Taylor (Bombay cat), he follows me every where too... bathroom and all. Guess this is what it feels like to be a mom :D I've got my hands full now

Until next time...
Love you all,
