Thursday, September 27, 2012

My bargain style

I was on Pinterest the other night and I was looking up clothing ideas when I realized that alot of the clothing on there I had in my closet. Not to say that I have the most amazing style but I think I have pretty good taste in clothes. I also notices the brand names... I hardly ever paid full price for any of my clothes. I like to shop at the sale racks at Rue 21, JC Pennys, Target, TJ Maxx, Ross...etc. So for those of you thrifty people, I have some examples of my style. They are pretty close to the expensive clothes so I thought just because you, like me, shop at thrifty places, doesn't mean you cant look good or that you don't have style. I am in the middle of packing so all my accessories are in boxes everywhere so I just chose to focus on the clothes

I got this dress and cover: Rue 21 on clearance

 The cover up: Pac sun on clearance last winter
black tank top and necklace: Target
Dress pants: Bells Outlet
 Shirt: JCpennys on clearance
Jeans: Pac sun BOGO free
 Shirt and shorts: JCPennys, clearance
 Whole outfit: Rue 21
Shoes: Converse, Target
 Blazer: Rue 21 clearance
Shirt: target
Pants: Pac sun BOGO free
Shoes: traffic clearance
Clutch: Clearance on the Royal caribbean cruise $10 sale
 Whole outfit: Rue 21, including watch
 Top shoe: Target

Sweater: Goodwill
Shirt: Rue 21
Pants: Ross
Boots: some random shoe place in FL on sale
I know that they aren't exactly like the brand names, but they are pretty close and the concept is down. Now you can feel confident rockin' the clearance section of your favorite store, and know that just because you cant or wont pay $100 for a pair of jeans, doesn't mean your not gonna find a cute pair that looks just like them :) good luck bargain shopping all :)
Until next time,


Monday, September 24, 2012

As a house wife....

  I am a cleanaholic... sometimes... mostly when I know people are over. I don't like anything out of place. I kind of go a little bit insane when I don't know someone is coming over. Sometimes my husband comes home from work and says "by the way [name] is coming over for a minute, but don't go all crazy, they aren't coming inside" by the time he says "by the way..." I'm rushing around the house like a maniac picking up pillows, folding blankets, quickly Swiffer vacuum the living room (we have a husky and she sheds like nobody's business). Even though he says they aren't coming in, I don't want to take the chance. Even when I'm by myself and I actually notice that the house is getting dirty, I kind of lose my mind. I think everything needs to have a place, and not scattered around. I hated when I worked because the house gets slowly dirty and I'm so tired that I don't clean. The dishes pile up, the mail and random papers pile up all over the kitchen and coffee table, it sucks, I feel dirty. Luckily I found a daily checklist off of Pinterest. It helps me a lot because when I don't know people are coming over, I already have a lot done through out the week, so all I have to do is pick up a bit.

I don't have a kids room so I edited it to say mudroom and added the things I need to do on mine but other then that it really comes in handy. Its ridiculously simple if you keep up with it. I've noticed the pet hair doesn't pile up, the laundry is easier to do, and the dishes take only a few minutes because I do them every night now. I also found that if you are lazy (most days I am) you can do them in between your shows; instead of fast forwarding through the commercials let them play and do one chore at a time... by the time the show is done, I'm pretty much done. There is no excuse... anyone can find time to do at least one thing in between anything that your doing.

Tricks of the trade:

Mirrors: spray pledge on a rag and wipe down the mirrors, it actually clean better then Windex
Windows: use a vinegar and news paper... the newspaper leaves no streaks or fuzz behind.
Hard water stains on faucets: cut a lemon in half and rub it on the faucets, the citric acid cleans it
Dishwasher: take vinegar and put it in a microwave safe container on the top rack, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and run on the hottest setting
Microwave: fill up a microwave safe bowl (I use my measuring glass) with water, turn on high for a few minutes and the steam will loosen the grim
Baseboards: take a bounce sheet and clean the base boards, it cleans them amazingly and it repels lint and dust from coming back longer
Drain: sprinkle baking soda down the drain and add white vinegar and it will naturally clean the drain and reduce smell. Also, you could throw lemon/lime wedges down the garbage disposal and turn it on and it will reduce the smell.
Cut down on dishes: after you eat rinse off you plate... easy
Heat rings on wooden table: they say coat the ring in mayo and leave for about 12-15 hrs... I haven't tried this one yet but I will shortly and get back to you :)

Love you all,


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Craft: head phones

  When I worked for Glass Production, a few of the girls I worked with all went to Bolivia for missions work. I was never allowed to go to another country for missions work, and it was always too expensive for me. One day I saw the girls making these bracelets, I asked why are they making so many and she told me they were making them for all the little boys in the orphanage that they stay in Bolivia. I, of course wanted to help as much as possible, if I cant go to Bolivia I will help with this cute idea. So I bought a bunch of colored string and hemp string at Michael's and everyday during work, at home, and in the car (not driving of course), I would just make bracelets to show that, even though I couldn't help them get to Bolivia with donations, I could help in other ways.

  With that said, I was looking online at craft websites and blog after blog after blog where I stumbled upon a website that had thousands and thousands of crafts... pretty easy crafts (not that I could ever find the website again to keep looking at it). Well I found these head phones that were wrapped with yarn. It looked really cool so I thought, well I have hundreds of different color string up stairs that I'm never going to use again, why not?? So this is what I came up with:

You will need:
  • colored string or yarn (I like string because yarn gets fuzzy after a while and I carry my headphone with me every where.. including the gym so I didn't want it to get ruined so easy)
  • Head phones
  • Tape


I used the same knots that I used to make the bracelets. Tie like the picture shows and then do the same to the opposite side, alternate between sides. It'll have the knot on either side of the cord making the effect that its flat.

When the head phone split I chose 2 more colors and used a single knot all the way to the head phone piece. That makes a cool spiral knot look.
This craft was easy, it just took me a few hours. I always get compliments on the head phone when ever I bring them out. There is so many color combinations you can choose. I think kids would really have fun with this craft too. Kids usually want cool looking head  phone, or their favorite color, now you can buy the plain white ones and spice them up with every color of the rainbow :) Have fun!
Love you all,
